Labels: Christmas, lilly piri, presents, tree, wrapping
- finish all christmas shopping! (and the best bit WRAPPING!) (need to get paid to finish this task)
- clean up rooms (I have taken over too bedrooms in my house!!)
- create create create!!! take photos of some new exciting things for the shop. and get making on some new exciting things.
- take a photo of my christmas tree so i can show you how pretty it is.
i dont like posting without a photo. but i really have nothing to show you :(
What I have started to notice is that these very successful stores, e.g. ashleyg and the black apple have such hugely successful (or would you say popular) blogs. Everything stems from their blog. kitty genius and inside a black apple. When they are next posting something original or rare so people can be there the second they post it. Right down to what they ate for breakfast. They have a following of people.
I love posting blogs, i love reading blogs and i love having a blog. I dont want my blog to be just about every time I post something new in my shop. But then again that is largely what I am excited about. What interests people enough to come back to my blog? I would love to know if anyone did stalk my blog, like I stalk so many others. hehe.
Well that was just a little bit of self expression for you all. Maybe you need to expect more of this.
But a post is not a post without a picture!
just a little Polaroid of mine
Labels: ashelyg, blogs, etsy, success, theblackapple
Just though I would mention that two more of my fashionable story ladies are now available as prints in my shop
They are to go with the previous 5 I posted a while back! I had so much fun making this series and i cant wait to explore more artistic methods in the near future!!!
Hope everyone is looking forward to christmas~!!
hope everyone had a nice weekend. when i get around to it and i stop being lazy im going to post come pictures of architecture in helsinki. I saw them play on sat night and they were great!
for the moment i have been making some little handmade card packs! I think they are rather lovely, well i love the paper they are printed on, and a pack of four is available in my shop so let me know what you think!
First things first. Those sydney people please make your way to the annandale hotel for LA FEMME!! Why? Because I will be exhibiting work there as one of the featured artists! it will be a fun day with lots of markets and music and food and art, so, COME ALONG
come. please. my work. will be there
Hopefully it wont be so long between drinks.
And say hello, I like a chat.
Sorry it has been so long, it has been such a crazy time for me! This is one of the reasons, the Hills Craft Fair. I applied, thinking I wouldnt get in, and then found out i was in, but it was in 4 days time, so i crazyly got everything orgainised just in time.
It was a pretty good day, fairly quiet, but I didnt know what to expect so it was a good experience. Im in another one on the seventh of december, so you are anywhere near the castle hill showground, come on by, i think it starts at 3pm..
Hope all is well.
ill let you know more details when i know!
if you havent already been introduced to pages mag then please go ahead and check it out!!!
mainly because i am featured in the pages mail section!! :D
have a squiz
Labels: pages online magazine feature
and it is being held at the
the originals for these have just been submitted for assessment at college, and i have some pictures i will post soon of them displayed. i was actually surprised that my teacher liked them, i didnt think they would be all high and sophisocated enough, because they are illustrations, but they were! yay!! we will just see what the marks tell..
if you are interested please check out my shop and buy handmade!
i took the pledge, did you?
(see link down right side of page)
in other news, i just posted the beginnings of a new series over in my shop so if you enjoy, why not check it out here!
So if you live in Melbourne, check it out!!
the last for the moment. i think i want to keep going with this, maybe go hunting for some vintage fabrics and try and incorporate them into and other series. i want to see what i can do with the pencil, and what i can combine.
anyway. this one is available in the shop
how has everyones weekends been?
Labels: drawings illustrations prints, new
my charlie girl

check out her blog, she sells prints and shares stories, you wont be disapointed.
kelly smith
i recently bought a print from kelly and it is just beautiful
i cant wait to get it back from the framers and put it on my wall
and of course caitlin shearer
I cant get an image to work for her, but i highly suggest you check her out!
i just bought this print and it is on my wall a long side of an original by my folk lover. it looks lovely!!!!!!!
and there we have it, my little collection for this evening
stay tuned.
Labels: artists, caitlin shearer, featured, kelly smith, my charlie girl, my folk lover
and just now i have listed a new print in the shes no wallflower series which you may be interested in, and its for sale over at my shop
hope everyone is having a nice evening!
woah, i cant believe it. i never check the treasury to see if im featured, and today i decided to and woooooo i got a feature! thats me in the stop left! hehe sorry thought i would share
here is the link
apparently it was even on the front page?!! crazy
check it out there are some lovely things there!
see more in the shop!
shes not wallflower
and here is lily
i have been working on this series for a few weeks now and am finally ready to share! there are currently four works at this stage, i might be creating a few more, but at this stage i will upload these over the next few days.
the idea came from a beauitful piece of fabric i found, and my want to include that with a drawing. i also wanted to take my drawings a bit further, trying new things, new techniques, etc etc.
i used reference photos from my boyfriends clothing label photos foreshore dynamic which i urge you to check out!
there are prints available and they will slowly be added to my shop so if you are interested, keep your eye out
i would love to hear your thoughts, as im trying to develop as an artist and there are so many wonderful people out there that i would love to hear some opinions!!!
there are even two sizes available!!! :)
in other news i have been working a fair bit lately on a new project, trying to focus more on improving my drawing skills as well as introducing digital elements in to a work. when i am happy with them i shall show all soon!!!!
I have been working very hard and been very busy
these past few days
so lots of new images
will soon surface.
i was inspired a few days ago to create some little ink and watercolour works
there are five in totally, and i will be slowly making them available in my etsy shop
if you are interested they are only $25 US and for an original drawing, i think thats rather good :D :D
stay tuned for the others
I recently orders some fine art prints of one of my illustrations. They came out rather nicely and so they are on offer for sale at my shop
They have been printed professionally onto fine art paper and would be a lovely addition to your illustrationish collection. Or whatever. So please. Have a look!!
she is finally framed and up on my wall!
this is a beautiful original drawing and watercolour from one of my favourite artists catherine campbell a.k.a my folk lover. I bought this a few weeks ago because i just fell in love with it the moment i saw it!
This will be the first of many for my collection of originals and prints, I have a print from kjs design on its way to my wall too!!!
Go check out her shop, you will love it!
I am going to submit these to my redbubble account where you can check them out with my other drawings and buy cards and prints.
however, for those looking, do you think you would be interested in some fine art prints that would be signed as well. the redbubble organises all the printing and things for me so they are not actually signed and i wont actually see them. I am getting some fine art prints made at the moment of some other drawings and if they turn out nice would people be interested in these as well.
I would also sometime like to sell the originals... anyone interested?
thanks everyone! :D
Labels: drawings illustrations prints
I was tagged by
lovely fellow blogger
A. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
B. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog....
1. i like my tea without milk or sugar
2. i feel very happy when people leave me comments on my blog
3. i like to day dream when traveling on the bus in time to my music
4. i have a very messy room and car, but i cant stand it when formating on the net is untidy.
5. i spend way to much time on the internet
6. i need more time to spend on the internet.
I have tagged
my charlie girl
liana kabel
polaroid cupcake
megs lemonade
paper flower girl
Sorry everyone!
A while ago i encouraged my boyfriend to open up an etsy store, with the hope that he might sell a few of his handprinted tees! unfortunately, while he has been doing really well selling through another site, (check it out here and by promoting through his myspace so far etsy has not served him well. So i just thought id give a little promo and urge you to check out his etsy store!!!! Let me know what you think!
not something that i typically spend my time doing, however a recent project had my drawing lots of abstract drawings that ultimately created an animation. i should think about uploading that but it seems too tricky.
anyway, these are a selection of 30 drawings i did that all "flowed" from one to the next.
they would look rather lovely framed as a part of a series and if you are interested in such a think these ones are available for sale over in my etsy shop
they are only $28 each and all in my post below you will see an offer regarding shipping which you should also take advantage of!
take care
limited offer