[images from the Imperial Russian Ballet website]
oooo, I went on a little date with a sweet friend of mine last night to see Swan Lake by the Imperial Russian Ballet Company at the State Theatre.
It was really beautiful. Really beautiful and it has got me all inspired again to draw the amazing human body in really tiny detail. Maybe when I find a little thing called time. Maybe.
Now, off to research the story line. Wiki here I come!
Labels: ballet, life, love, russian ballet company, swan lake
darling readers!
just a quick one to let you know about the lovely new release of dresses over at {twin set}.
we are pretty sure happy with this one, so make sure you get over there quickly before we decide to keep all the dresses for ourselves! hehe.
also, be sure to check out our amazing photographer Jessica Klingelfuss. I still can't believe we made her work on a 40+ degree day. Outside. With limited water. Geeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
But you would never know right??
{twin set}. new dresses. go!
p.s. if you are extra good,
you might even seen us in a certain
awesome eco-fashion mag.
Labels: eco-fashion, fashion, peppermint magazine, twin set, vintage
little illo I did, might you see it at the market?
When it rains, it pours. Or something like that.
SO! I, along with a handful of talented others, have been selected to be a Featured Artist at the next Finders Keepers markets. Yep, that one that is on NEXT WEEKEND! It is all a bit surreal at the moment. The Finders Keepers is my all time favourite market, I have been going to it since the little Hope St days. And look. Now I am apart of all the action. In fact, for some it might be a little bit of Renee Anne overkill. Not only will I have my art on the walls of the gorgeous Carrageworks building, I will supporting my boyfriend at his Foreshore Dynamic stall, and I will be sharing the love over at the Leeloo stall where I can (at the very least to bring the team coffee and hugs). Did somebody say "clone required?"
Cool eh? So now, our tiny appartment is not only filled to the brim with t-shirts, every possible surface is also covered with my "creative projects". So many ideas. So much wall to fill. I cannot wait.
Labels: art, featured artist, foreshore dynamic, Leeloo, Markets, The Finders Keepers
well, I always thought that the website weheartit was only accessable via invitation only or something like that. however, the other day I just gave in and went on over to suss it all out. because lots and lots of blogs theses days are referencing this website for their images.
well, turns out it is a prettier version of sites like "digg" etc except it is just images. and pretty images too. this excited me very much, because I love looking at pretty images and I like collecting them for our {twin set} blog.
however, I became a little sad when I realised the tangled-web state that the site is in. I always reference the original source for my images, and if I find the image on a blog that references an image I use, then I always include [image VIA here] for example. well, weheartit makes this a little tricky. because even if the orignial source is linked in the "entry" when I click through, it is often just a blogger who has used the image in a pretty post, and they may not have even referenced the actual image source! see my confusion?
so when I see people saying "source :: weheartit" now I start to wonder. because that isn't the true source. the person who took the photo didn't submit it to weheartit, someone else did. so who gets the credit!!
GAH!!!! my other issue, what happens when I want to use an image I found on weheartit in a post. who am I supposed to credit. the original, the "hearter"?
maybe I will just stick with flickr.
Labels: art, love, photography, twin set, weheartit
Labels: art, artist, bedroom, dreams, photography
wow. what a night. the Once Upon opening night was just such super tiring amazing fun, and the only thing that makes me sad is that I didn't get to talk to everyone! so many people came and I am still so so so blown away. gosh.
a huge thank you to all the amazing artists. I once again won't go into the details here, and just redirect you to our wonderful website. I am seriously going to bed now because I have to be up early again tomorrow for our final day in the gallery. Angela and I will definitely be sad when we pack it all up tomorrow. We kind of feel like we work there now and it has been pretty nice sitting together, chatting, interneting, showing off all the amazing art to the lovely visitors and working a little bit too ;)
I thought it was about time I shared with you my 4 artworks for the show. I was pretty happy with them and really did work super hard on them. It was a little scary being up there with some of my favourite artists, and pretty daunting when we were opening up all the artworks. But anyway, must remain confident and happy with my results all the same!
If you haven't been able to make it in to see the show, we have put all the works up on the website. If you see something you like (and it hasn't sold!) then you can also purchase them online through us. Sound like fun?
I am definitely inspired to keep on art making, and once again, a huge thank you to all the artists who joined us in celebrating Leeloo's 2nd Birthday! Yipeee!!!!!!!! A huge well done and thank you to Angela, who without, I would not have been able to curate and co-ordinate an ENTIRE EXHIBITION!
If you are doing nothing tomorrow, pop by. Would love to see you.
friends and readers
not making excuses, but posting is likely to get limited this week.
because the Once Upon exhibition opens on Thursday
which seriously blows me away.
Angela and I have very sore fingers from all the framing
but gosh they look amazing.
make sure you come.
p.s. how fantastic is this blog post from one of the lovely artists Jordan Clarke?
I am stressing about my outfit. All I know for sure is that I will be wearing a vintage handmade lace collar that was my great grandma's that my Nan gave me last week.
Labels: art, exhibition, once upon, Sydney
kate // liekeroomijs // library
i've got lots planned.
hard work.
some relaxing.
some creating.
some preparing.
some more hard work.
and some laughter.
see you on the other side.
six more sleeps.
Labels: art, Busy, flickr favourites, life, photography, weekend
[image from the Style Collective website]
ok ok, so I know that the wonderful reJenerate blog has already done a little post about this, but gosh I am allowed to brag too!
if you haven't already, go check out this pretty super (Australian!) website, Style Collective which has a whole host of sweet sections dedicated to things such as eco-style, and indie designers.
Angela, from our favourite Leeloo.com.au is now a contributor, and I must say (non bias-ly of course) that I am loving her most recent post, busting those myths about Eco-Fashion equaling a bigger price tag.
Go have a read, because look, the fantastic organic tee from Foreshore Dynamic and the gorgeous slouchy handbag from ReJenerate battle it out against some big namers. Eco-Fashion more expensive? Head on over to find out!
Labels: art, eco-fashion, foreshore dynamic, price, rejenerate, style collective

a perfectly made bed and a fresh loaf of sourdough
would anyone else find it as lovely?
[gorgeous images by the wonderfully talented Holly Becker via decor8]
any one of these lamps [just need to find them first!]
art from here and especially here
I will happily give you my postal address if you are feeling generous ;)
oh and p.s. //
I create my images like that using big huge labs.
and be sure to click on the links to be taken to the original image source for the pictures!
when a new post comes into my inbox from these kids, I tend to get just a little overexcited. drop. everything. and. read(er).
[daydream lily]
[a beautiful mess]
[hello sandwich]
[bleubird vintage]
[here comes the sun]
[ish and chi]
[the brick house]
[sandra juto]
would love to hear what your must read blogs are.
Labels: blog, blogs, favourite blogs, link love, love
fridays I am usually feeling pretty good. I do yoga on Thursday nights, and so I always wake up with a fresh and new outlook on things. things tend to look, feel and smell better. which I think must be a good thing.
this morning during my morning routine, I was reading my most recent purchase :: the latest issue of Inside Out magazine, the CHRISTMAS issue. I have already been secretly planning my christmas decorations, and doing a bit of present shopping, and so I love it when the retail and media world can confirm with me that this is ok, by decorating and publishing gift guides and christmas themed issues.
so today, my fave fab friday find, is going to be pages 15 and 16 from this latest CHRISTMAS 09 issue from Inside Out. as you know, I am a hard core handmade, indie, local, nice things shopper, and I am just loving that these "bigger" mags are jumping on board this "trend" for want of a better word. from what I can tell, they are recommending us gorgeous things, which are mostly handmade, locally made, unique, eco-friendly or just generally pretty special.
I thought I would try and itemise and link to everything on these pages, for my own reference (because I was going to be adding them to my favourites anyway) and of course for your own!
you can click on the image and be taken to my flickr page, from there I have made notes which include links to all the things featured on the page! cool huh! does that make sense? otherwise, I have included the "stockist list" here too.
Labels: australian, Christmas, eco, gift guide, handmade, inside out magazine, life, local, love
[simply photo]
[simply photo]
have I got you craving for one?
Labels: addicted, can't live without, Coffee, flickr, life, love, photography
dim lighting and lamps // it is all I have ever asked for
2 comments Posted by renee anne at 4:57 PM
[courtney brims]
welcome home!
gosh did I even post that I was going to Brisbane? well I did! I am home now. Many of the Australian internet peeps will no doubt have heard of the Finders Keepers markets?! They are a super amazing market, that have prevously been held in Sydney (every 6 months or so). Last weekend however, they made the big trip up to Brissie, and brought the super market magic to the lovely sweet lovely people of Brisbane!!
I had my Leeloo hat on for the entire weekend which was just fantastic, and for those of you who went, I was one of the tired, sweaty, exhausted, happy, excited and hopefully friendly ladies standing behind the gorgeous Leeloo stall! It was a big task to get all the pretty Leeloo things up to Brisbane, then get ourselves up there, then set everything up and still keep our spirits up for the nine hours to follow as the people just constantly poured in (and all again the following day!)But I think we did ok.

[little jane st]
The adrenelin was pumping at the time, and while I felt tired, I never once felt sad. The smiling faces, the sweet comments, the happy people, the kind words, the inspiration, the community element all made the whole experience more than worthwhile. Plus, I got to meet so many online "buddies", and in the 4.3 minutes I had spare, got to do a little bit of shopping!

[chi designs]
I am just going to do a bit of a shout out to some of the peeps I met, bought from, spoke to, smiled at, or whatevers. If I have left you off, I am so sorry. Slap me and I will fix that right up!
blossom creations :: bespoke letterpress :: chi designs :: courtney brims :: electric boy :: elodi magazine :: frankie magazine :: girl made this :: kim wallace :: kindling :: little jane st :: lola & bailey :: neu creative :: and the rest of the wonderful stallholders at the markets ::

[blossom creations]
for those of you who were not there, or ran out of cash be sure to check out the stallholder directory, because lots of the talented peeps sell online!
and of course, keep your diarys marked for the next Sydney markets, which are going to be held on the 4th and 5th of December, at the CarriageWorks in Sydney’s Inner West. I am also so very excited to share that my talented boyfriend was acceped as a stallholder for these markets, and so Foreshore Dynamic will be there to enjoy all of the excitement! Yipee!

[neu creative]
so, that was my market experience (in a very small nutshell), be sure it let me know if you said hi to me, or visited the Leeloo stall. also, share with me your finder keepers posts, I love to see and hear things from a different angle to my own ;)

[the well deserved breakfast, post market experience]
all images, unless otherwise stated, were from the Finders Keepers website.
Labels: art, australian, breakfast, brisbane, Leeloo, life, Markets, The Finders Keepers