that I am not going to be taking up a career in exhibition photography, but nevertheless, I shall show you these photos all the same!
I unfortunately couldn't make it to the opening of cream coloured ponies & crisp apple strudels but I did still manage to sneak in there and take a few snaps of the lovely, beautiful artworks!
So I don't even have any interesting arty gossip to report either! Other than I loved the works by the lovely Courtney Brims, Kelly Smith, Kareena Zerefos and Bec Winnel.

Works are in order as mentioned above!
I believe the show was put together by Kareena, and I must say it was a lovely little collection of things and works!
Once again apologies for the crappy photography!
Bring on more fun and lovely exhibitions!
Labels: bec winnel, courtney brims, exhibition, kareena zerefos, kelly smith
I would hardly call anything I do or like boring!! (only joking) Anyway, the lovely Honor Bowden aka GalaHouse has tagged me to share six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself!
So here goes it. (I am always jealous of the super fancy taggees (eg Honor!) who can make their tag details look so fun and image filled)
1. I still live at home so I am always roaringly jealous when I read my favourite blogs about home decorating. For one I don't really have the funds to support an entire home reno, and two, well, Mum is probably not really into my style!
2. Having said that, I think I am a massive 'house wife' at heart. I love food shopping, and don't mind a bit of cleaning. My most recent obsession is learning how to cook from scratch (thank you Jamie!). I think I go ok.

3. Gosh am I only at 3?? Oh why not. I love Australian Idol.
4. I also have a wii and love that too. I am anxiously awaiting that moment when I 'grow up', and start finding it inappropriate to sit on the ground in public and lose an interest in game playing at what not....
5. I am the type of person that when you ask me "Omg have you seen *insert movie here*!!??" I am mostly likely to say no. I have not seen many movies that people tend to title "must sees". I stick to a few favs and thats about it.
6. This was probably a bit harder than I had originally thought! Wow. Well if are are not considering that a point, I think I am mildly dyslexic*. If I proof read over things I have written, sometimes I amaze my self at the inaccuracies. Or maybe my brain is just two steps ahead.
I think the tagging might have to stop with me. I mean, lots of my favourite blogs I am reading have already been tagged, and it may be inaaprioate to tag a complete stranger... would it?
*Hence why you may find many typos in my posts.... sorry for that!
I am currently waiting to start a new job, and decided to take a little week off before I started. Great for spending time online shopping. No so great when you don't have the funds to support the hobby.
So without further delay, here are my latest omg I need to buy these items from etsy but cannot because I don't have the funding.
Gorgeous vintage shoes by the lovely santokivintage
Sweet herb markers, for when I one day start my herb garden, from NinaGibsonDesigns
My mum would probably cry out in horror, so I guess Ill have to wait till I have my own home before I start the vintage decorating, but I can dream all the same (and start filling that glory box!). From whiteelephantvintage
Lately I find myself more drawn to home wears than anything else. I just love it.
Labels: etsy, favourites, shoes, vintage
Friends, I thought I would just share a quick update in regards to my vintage shop grandmas chest of glory. It needs some Aussie love because being vintage on etsy and not being from America gets a bit tough due to the high international shipping rates. But thats ok. Because Aussies love vintage too. I know I do.
A little about my business philosphy here. Essentially I want a lovely little vintage shop. And she is growing.
Why buy vintage? Well it looks better and usually is (hehe). But more importantly we are recycling. Why do we need to be producing new stuff (harming the environment etc) when we have excellent stuff going un-used! Share the love my friends.
I also still enjoy the idea of a glory box. I myself have one, and I feel that all these youngies out there (haha me included) should be starting our collections now for when we need to be serious adults and what not (not likely).
Enjoy friends.
A little about my business philosphy here. Essentially I want a lovely little vintage shop. And she is growing.
Why buy vintage? Well it looks better and usually is (hehe). But more importantly we are recycling. Why do we need to be producing new stuff (harming the environment etc) when we have excellent stuff going un-used! Share the love my friends.
I also still enjoy the idea of a glory box. I myself have one, and I feel that all these youngies out there (haha me included) should be starting our collections now for when we need to be serious adults and what not (not likely).
Enjoy friends.
Labels: environment, etsy, vintage
Labels: mixtape
I love it when I find a new artist that I just love everything they have done. I mean I see great images all the time that I like, and constantly look and smile and feel and go wow. But sometimes, you just need to tell someone.
Listening to: Je Ne Suis Pas Ta Chose by Camille
Labels: artist, flickr, veronica ballart lilja
I made a promise to my self to go along. I never get to go to fun things like this because I live far away. But I shall go.
For what it is worth I thought I would do a little bit of
"omg if you are considering buying an album at the moment, this is the one you have to get!"

Lately I have been doing a lot of moral and ethical sole searching (most likely more rants on this to come) and one of them is buying CDs and downloading music from iTunes. A while a go I made the promise to never "illegally download" and so its not that issue that I am contemplating. I download a lot of single tracks from iTunes, new music I want to check out etc etc, but I have yet to buy a whole album. I still like to have my physical CD. I bought the lovely Chimney's Afire by one of my favourites Josh Pyke. I always hesitate when I buy CDs, I don't know why, they are not that expensive, but I am tight, and well yeah. I am super glad I did.
I love the sea and oceany theme through it. A lovely little journey. Go have a listen.
And even though I now own the physical CD, it got loaded straight onto my iPod and the CD got filed away.... See my predicament. Do I support the nature of the physical CD industry, you know, the whole album art thing which I love and adore. And what about all the CD peoples jobs?
Yes but what about the whole new range of jobs that are available in the download industry. Not to mention it is much better for the environment to reduce all the production costs.
Why not join the friendly debate in my mind!!
Oh, and the CD is excellent. Did I already mention that?
An lady on my bus just now, at my guess in her 70s, sat in the seat reserved for the elderly. After a moment she got up and moved to the seat behind her. A man near by asked why she moved.
"I don't want to sit in a seat that is reserved for old people"
She made me smile.
Imag_ne by Emma Anna
First point I would like to make about my visit to Bondi this Sunday is to never attempt to leave there via public transport at around 4pm on a lovely hot day. Just to sum it up, it was chaos. About 300 people trying to pack onto buses to the city. And then the buses having to fight with the traffic. Don't try it.
Now that is over, I can focus on the day that was a little visit to Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi Beach, which is probably just one of those things that if you live near by, you should probably go and check it out. It is great. Just try and avoid busy days. I decided to take my boyfriend to celebrate a special day of ours, and I wasn't the only one with the grand idea to visit that day let me tell you!
See the cute little outfit I am wearing, my new favourite vintage purchase from this lovely shop.
Sorry I don't have info about the artists for the works, I don't have the little booklet. But if you go, you can find out :)
Labels: art, bondi, sculptures by the sea, sun
remember how I said that I am going to be productive and actually work and produce art. And then I started showing you some sketches see flickr. I never used to do "sketches". But I think they help give direction.
if you cruise over to the old vintage shop (well it is actually new seeing as I only just opened it!) you can check out some of these little treasures. if you so please.
Hope the weekend was sweet for all. I know I am feeling mighty jealous that I don't live in melbourne and don't get to attend wonderful exhibitions and the like.
so I just discovered the ability to subscribe to podcasts, specifically abc tv related vodcasts. what a grandma I am. I can't wait to spend even more time with my eyes glued to a screen.
Labels: podcast vodcast abc tv downloads
Labels: vintage etsy china
After many friendly bloggers had talked about this lovely mag, went and got myself a copy. And oh am I glad I did.
I have always considered my self environmentally conscience, in the likes of using less water, never getting plastic shopping bags, remembering to turn things off at the power point, and more recently seeking out organic products and food. But it is amazing when you look into how far and deep and ever present the 'whole enviro thing' this. It is great. And I love learning about it. And I love the approach this mag takes. So check it.
It is funny how this all sort of came about around the time when I opened my little vintage shop. Last year when I took the handmade pledge I have always tried to do exactly that. While I have always been a huge vintage fan, my love was more based on the fact that I love it, not because it is supporting the idea of recycling reusing, and a whole lot else in regards to production of clothing.
I love how my opinions on this have now opened an expanded into so much more than just a love for something! I mean hey, I can actually love and buy something and know that it is for the great good! hehe.
What things do you feel are important about going green and saving the environment, I love hearing what is going on in your lovely heads.
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